Retrovision I.


Z izjavami slavnih mož je križ in po navadi jih napačno razlagajo. Znano je na primer, da ni bil Heraklit tisti, ki je vzkliknil: “Vse teče!”, pač pa Arhimed, ko je voda začela teči čez rob kopalne kadi. “Heureka,” kot je resnično zaklical za tem, pa je bila hišna pomočnica pri Arhimedovih, ki jo je poklical, da bi pobrisala kopalnico. In, kakor je trdil moj prijatelj Gašper, Goethe tudi ni rekel pred smrtjo: “Mehr licht!”, ampak tako kot ponavadi po kosilu: “Mer-lot!” In zato je tembolj čudno, da ni Goethe na koncu rekel: “In vendar se vrti!” In tako dalje. Marko Zorko: “Mein Kampf”

Marko Zorko. A slovenian publicist, journalist, author, The Brilliant Mind with The Soul.

I didn’t have the pleasure to know him on a close personal level. We did meet a couple of times, but I guess our paths do go their own way not giving any thought of our wants and wishes. Some divine intervention was there though. My friend, a gifted graphic designer Tanja Radež, was designing his book at the time when we were hanging together. I had a privilege and great pleasure of making an illustration for the cover.

There it is.


Book cover. M. Zorko: Mein Kampf, Založba Obzorja, 2001

Marko is unfortunatelly not among us anymore. Suffering from a long lasting disease he made a too early departure last winter. Let this post be dedicated to him, his wits and spirit.