Dragi moji,


težko bo priznati: zadnje mesece mi gre zelo za nohte. Posledica slabih gospodarskih razmer je, da je projektov iz meseca v mesec manj, naročniki si velikokrat v tem trenutku ne morejo privoščiti mojega dela, zaslužki pa res skromni. Zato začenjam tole akcijo, s prošnjo, da mi pomagate preživeti.


Prodajam prikupne slikce, tuš /crayon na papirju, format 13 x 18 cm, v okvirju. Zelo so primerne za darilo, še posebej, če želite obdariti drugače in bolj osebno. Seveda si slikco lahko kupite tudi samo zase; zgornji triptih visi v Jakatovi dnevni sobi nad kavčem. Žabec spodaj je v Daretovi kuhinji ob hladilniku, da mu ni vroče. Ali … da ima pivo na dosegu roke, pardon, kraka :)



Na moji Flickr strani  si ogledate, kako slikce izgledajo. Lahko naročite kaj od obstoječega, lahko pa naredim čisto nov motiv. Avatar naprimer (zgoraj) je bil najprej narejen kot #dailydoodle in kasneje našel kupca. Yoda (spodaj) pa je naročena na novo.


Za podrobne informacije in naročila pošljite email> maja.bjancic@gmail.com
ali tvitajte @mmirabilis

Najlepša hvala :)

New cases



This post is just a sweet reminder.
In addition to iPhone and iPad cases, I have new cases for Samsung Galaxy S4 available.

Until Sunday 26th we also have the awesome days of Free Shipping, so make your inner child happy :)




True to the Maurice Sendak’s book, in the animated film Where the Wild Things Are by Spike Jonze there are 14 lifelike monsters. They are made as suit-puppets by Jim Hanson Creature Shop and they are truly huge. Horned-big mouth-furry Carol is 2.7 m high, and although the monsters were designed to move around easy enough, to move and emote their faces in a believable way was however hardest to achieve.


Spike Jonze reports: “Initially I was thinking we would do animatronics in the faces. But then David Fincher (who directed facial-effects-heavy The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) told me that was the stupidest thing we could do – go hours with a bunch of suits and all these servo motors and remote controls. We were working out of his office in Hollywood and he would leave notes on our door with a little drawing of a wild thing and an arrow that said ‘suit’, and another arrow pointing at the face that said ‘CG’.”

Source: Wired UK (Dec 09)